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Articles in Category: English

Durrësi - the Getaway to another world...

on Sunday, 13 May 2012. Posted in English

Welcome to the Teuta Queen's Empire!

Durrësi - the Getaway to another world...

 Durrësi is the second largest city in Albania, the biggest port and the hub of the railroad system. It is one of the most ancient cities in Albania. Known by name of Epidamnus, it was established in the year 627 B.C. by colons coming from Corinth and Corcyra. Later on, the name changed to Durrahium (according to mythology the nephew of Epidamnus). During this period, the city flourished and became the main port of the Eastern Adriatic. Between the 1st  and the 3rd  centuries, it played a major role as a trading centre along the ancient Egnatia road, which connected Rome with Byzantium. 

Kayaking Odisea in Karaburun Peninsula

Written by Gent Mati on Sunday, 18 March 2012. Posted in English

From Gent Mati’s diary

Kayaking Odisea in Karaburun Peninsula

Failed attempt

For several years sailing the Karaburun peninsula with the kayak, was in the personal list of things "to do". My father had tried to leave only two times, but could not go very far because once approached to Gjuza Cape the troubled sea and wind forced him to abandon the enterprise. After over two hours of tedious aggressive dig, I fortunately benefited a surprise "walk" to Pashaliman, that was generously offered by a Navy patrol military, whose Effective was exploding mines, exactly on the beach where I predicted the landing, near the bay of St. Jan. The same thing happened to me during the first attempt - when a sudden wind changed in less than half an hour the calm sea by merely hardly be navigable waters. Slow waves and strong wind sailing to prevent whenever raises to rowing oar, by the changing direction.

Peaks of the Balkans - an adventure without boundaries

Written by Kastriot Faci on Thursday, 15 March 2012. Posted in English

Peaks of the Balkans - an adventure without boundaries

"The Open Regional Fund for Southeast Europe", and "Promotion of Foreign Trade",  GIZ, organized a mountain walking trip "Around the peaks of the Balkans". from  15-th to 19-th of June 2011, with the participation of border states and groups  of three countries, Kosovo, Montenegro and Albania. The purpose of this journey  was to promote a new walking path boundary for mountain tourism. I chill to  participate in this mountain walking from the GIZ coordinator, Shpresa Smajli,  from Shkodra. Landscapes, route and spirit of cooperation to each member of the  group were the reason that this trip was so beautiful and successful. I was  captivated by the beauty of these mountains during this pilgrimage, from  frinedly behavior and generosity of the people through all the places we passed.  This made this trip being one of the most beautiful that I had in my life. It is  impossible to fully bring what I've experienced on this journey, but some  details of this experience, the more fun you I can describe somehow... 

Krorezi - the dream of a summer day

Written by Flora Xhemani Baba on Tuesday, 06 March 2012. Posted in English

Krorezi - the dream of a summer day

Offering a tourist destination to visit means a that this destiancionshouldn’t be easily accessible,and at least not impossible to touch. We do not know if we should categorize our secret place this time as hardly accessible or completely inaccessible. This will depend on your tastes, how will you attract what you will say, of course, how willing would you be for a little adventure.

Farma Sotira, far & beautiful as Eden

Written by Flora Xhemani Baba on Sunday, 04 March 2012. Posted in English

Unforgettable journey towards Germenj-Sheleguri, Erseke Albania

Farma Sotira, far & beautiful as Eden

Had not ever heard this name?

The itinerary that we will crawl, we think it deserves your attention, not only because it has a wonderful variety of landscape, natural vegetation and beauties, but also because in the heart of this thriving area an entertainment oasis has taken place, that will best meet, all the requirements and wishes of everyone who is in love with nature and its sports, riding, fishing, picnics, hiking, mountain climbing, skiing in the winter time and swimming in summer.

We are talking about Sotira, a small beautiful country, in Erseka district, 25 km down the road to Leskovik.