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Articles in Category: Intervista

Made in Albania: Soap Arcadia, kopshti i mrekullive të Anxhelës

on Monday, 28 January 2019. Posted in Intervista

“Mendo globalisht dhe vepro lokalisht” në përgatitjen e produkteve të përkujdesit vetjak

Made in Albania: Soap Arcadia, kopshti i mrekullive të Anxhelës


Na pëlqejnë shumë njerëzit që e duan natyrë dhe mjedisin. Jemi gjithmonë pozitivë e të prirur t`i tregojmë historitë e tyre me shumë dëshirë. Dhe kemi pikërisht një mikeshë të natyrës, me të cilën duam t’ju njohim edhe ju, një person që mbështet të ardhurat e saj tek pasioni që ka për kujdesin vetjak. Anxhela Panxhi dhe filozofia saj është #ikigai. Nuk tingëllon shumë si diçka shqiptare, por ajo bën një kombinim shumë të mirë të slloganit “mendo globalisht dhe vepro lokalisht”. Ajo i jep punës së saj nota lokale dhe ndërkombëtare, duke u marrë me përgatitjen e krijimeve e produkteve të përkujdesit vetjak, të cilat ajo i disponon gjerësisht në Shqipëri, në shtetet ballkanike, në Belgjikë, Hollandë, Gjermani dhe në të gjithë botën. Ajo themeloi 8 vite më parë Soap-arcadia Home-magic Crafts dhe Herb-Arcadia Superfood Tirana.

NËNTOR OSEKU: Curraj i Epërm, Grama Bay and Shala River - three heartbreaking destinations of Albania

Written by Irhan Jubica on Friday, 31 August 2018. Posted in Intervista

Intervistë me fotografin e njohur që ka shëtitur çdo cep të Shqipërisë turistike

NËNTOR OSEKU: Curraj i Epërm, Grama  Bay and Shala River -  three heartbreaking destinations of Albania
U bënë shumë vite tashmë që ai shëtit cep më cep të Shqipërisë me aparatin e tij fotografik. Shumë prej fotove që ju dalin të parat në internet kur klikoni për të gjetur një zonë të bukur të Shqipërisë, janë të Nëntor Osekut. Por çfarë thotë ai vetë për këto udhëtime? Lexoni intervistën, një rrëfim i sinqertë e plot emocion me përshtypjet e udhëtimeve të shumta.
It has been many years since Nëntor Oseku has walked around every corner of Albania with his photocamera . Many of the photos you come across online when you click to find a beautiful area of Albania are made from him. But what does he himself say about these trips? Read the interview, a sincere and emotional story with impressions of many trips.

(English below Albanian)

Adriatik Tours LLC successfully presented Albania as a new Destination in NY Times Travel Show

Written by Flora Xhemani Baba on Friday, 30 March 2018. Posted in Intervista

Interview with Nevila Dudaj General Manager / Founder Adriatik Tours LLC

Adriatik Tours LLC successfully presented Albania  as a new Destination  in NY Times Travel Show
Adriatik Tours LLC, is the first representative of Albanian tourism in New York who did
exhibit in NY Times Travel Show for the first time, and did introduce Albania to the American tourism. Adriatik Tours LLC, started to operate in September 2017 in West Hartford, CT, as the international sales representative office of the Adriatik Hotel, as well as a Tour Agency offering Special packages of tourist destinations in Albania.
Adriatik Tours LLC represented also Albania for the first time in New York at the 15th Travel Show , organized by the New York Times , the renowned media in US .
Although in recent years Albania has an increased participation in tourism fairs, and exhibitions which start from Japan, to all the rest of the world, Albania, has never been part of the tourism fairs or Trade Shows in America.
But this January of 2018, thanks to Adriatik Tours LLC, finally the name of Albania was written in the stand number 577 of the NY Times Travel Show. 
Albanian’s name was not only written in that stand , but its presence was wonderfully conveyed through this participation, as a tourist information, traditional Albanian performance and the presentation of the best Albanian destinations.

Uta Ibrahimi, one more reason to be proud of Kosova

Written by Irhan Jubica on Friday, 30 March 2018. Posted in Intervista

Towards the 14 highest peaks of the world with "Utalaya-Himalaya" project

Uta Ibrahimi, one more reason to be proud of Kosova
English - Shqip
Two photos were shared on social media sites, nearing February 17, the date Kosovo celebrates the Independence Day. One came from Rita Ora holding the flag of Kosovo, while shooting her “Shine Ya Light” video on 2012, and the other was from Uta Ibrahimi, when she reached the Peak of Everest in 2017.
It seems that people perceive these two women as worthy representatives of Kosovo, as the country celebrates its 10 year anniversary of Independence. We demand readers not to consider the reality as a sexist approach, but in reality the positive image of Kosovo for a decade has been dominated by women. The judo champions, Majlinda Kelmendi and Nora Gjakova; the first head of the commune in Kosovo, Mimoza Kusari-Lila; Dua Lipa, the girl from Kosova who won a British Award in the last edition, the USA ambassador, Vlora Çitaku, these are some renowned names who continue to contribute in their professional fields. The strongest positive image of independent Kosovo continues to be the former president, Atifete Jahjaga (2011-2016). She was active in internationalizing the issue of Survivors of Sexual Violence during Kosovo War, and supporting the project “I think about you” (“Mendoj për ty”) by artist Alketa Xhafa – Mripa. Ms. Jahjaga was the first to reach the peaks of world politics, as Uta Ibrahimi is the first Albanian women from Kosovo that conquered the heighest world peak. Everyone is inspired to follow on their steps.

From Ukraine and Albania with Love - Татьяна, украинка, которая стала албанкой

Written by Irhan Jubica on Friday, 11 November 2016. Posted in Intervista

Интервью с г-жой Татьяной Байрактари

From Ukraine and Albania with Love -               Татьяна,  украинка, которая стала албанкой
Она блондинка с голубыми глазами. Ведь украинки такие! Татьяна, которая на фамилии мужа, Байрактари, родилась и выросла в Украине. Когда ей было 21, она встретила парня албанца, который учился в Украине, они полюбили друг друга и сейчас у них замечательная семья и они воспитывают двух дочерей. Она некогда не думала, что полюбит эту страну так, как человека, который с ней рядом. Албания для неё оказалась красивым сюрпризом. 8 лет назад она приезжает в Албанию и начинает её по чуть чуть открывать для себя. Ей настолько понравилась эта страна, что решила создать туристическую компанию, которая приглашает и принимает туристов из Украины и России. За четыре года она стала одной из первых по презентации туристической Албании в рускоговорящих странах. Встречает и принимает тысячи туристов, показывая насколько красивая эта страна. Она считает, что будущее Албании это туризм, из-за этого мы должны много трудиться и работать, чтоб туристы уезжали довольны и с наилучшими впечатлениями.