E BEGATA SHQIPËRI E MESME - The prosperous Central Albania
Një udhëtim gastronomik përmes projektit "Rruga e verës"

Krijuar nga kjo familie, ajo nisi prodhimin pasi kishte krijuar një sipërfaqe prej 4,5 hektarësh vresht në Maminas e rrethina. Teknologjia e saj italiane i jep mundësinë asaj të prodhojë verëra të cilësisë së lartë dhe të jetë një konkuruese e denjë në tregun e verërave shqiptare. Pas shijimit të verërave shqiptare, të gjitha të mira e cilësore, u kthyem në Tiranë. Dhe rruga e verës nuk është vetëm kjo, sepse ka kantina të tjera në Shqipërinë e Mesme, si Duka, Herta e të tjera, të cilat kanë po kaq vlerë dhe padiskutim duhen njohur e vlerësuar fillimisht nga vetë ne, shqiptarët.
quintal of grapes and 50% of production is translated in wine,” says Eltjan. After we have savored the wine of Bardha wine cellar we head to the biggest vineyards in Central Albania and the entire Albania for that matter, the vineyards of Arapaj village, a property of Kokabrothers that own “Skenderbeu” Wine cellar in Shkozet, Durres. This surface of around 50 hectares, where 35 hectares are vineyards and the rest roads, seem to be painted rather than real, and the end isn’t in near sight. Foreign varieties are farmed in this land, like Chardonnay, Montepulciano, Negro Amaro and 5 quintal of grapes are produced form the land, which translate to 500 thousand wine bottles. The wine cellar and of other alcoholic beverages “Skenderbeu” was built during communism, but privatization followed with investments that altered its face. However, Indrit is leading us to the most unusual part of the wine cellar, which was the tub serving to preserve alcohol. They were gigantic standing at 6 meters tall and a surface of 20-25 square meters. “Skenderbeu” is one of the few Albanian brands of beverages in the world and many foreign tourists visit the wine cellar.
The next stop in our journey to the vineyards of Centra Albania is Golemas, in Kavaje. I heard about this wine before and a friend of mine said to me that the vines are fantastic and he didn’t offer any other wine in his restaurant, but Belba. Belba was close to Golemas village but the road to there was very difficult. Investments in infrastructure were non existent. However, after the blows of the road troughs, everything was forgotten as in front of us appeared eager the hills covered with vineyards. At one side Belba was in the border of Peza, and in the other side was the sea. Exactly at this place the two brothers had built a wooden structure for relaxing. It was really cool so FatbardhBelba, who had resided in Montepulciano was a connoisseur of drinking wine while tasting cheese, crudo and sausage. Shesh wine produced in Belba wine cellar was fantastic, better than many wines that we had randomly tasted, it had a distinct smell and taste. Cabernet was also tasty while Chardonnay was exceptional. Standing in the middle of nowhere, overlooking 15 thousand hectares of vineyards, property of the brothers, I realized that this amount of work requires plenty of love. You should consider visiting this place and tasting the delicious Albanian wine. We met with Maks, a construction engineer who worked at the Municipality of Kavaja, who had studied for 30 years in Torino. “There are old documents that say that renowned botanists have attested that present dayToscana vineyards are originals saplings originating from the coast of Durres. One of them is Columella as this region is known for its vines,” says Maks. If you go to Belba vineyards you don’t want to go away, but the directors of the agency of regional development that manage the promotion of Albanian values would accompany us to another fantastic place, and that was the Kokomaniwine cellar, a few kilometers away from Shijak. Kokomaniwine cellar works as agro business. It is not opened usually, so you have to make reservations, while despite tasting the regional wine there is traditional food and the oven-baked lamb. Visi, who works at the Municipality of Shijak as a consulting expert, tells us that there are four licensed wine canteens in his area and many other smaller producers. Kokomani wine cellar looks awesome. With the sun on top and a lot of surrounding nature. A boy tells us that when the owner of this place was investing the people despised and mocked him, meanwhile, today, many look at him with envy because he applied his long-term idea successfully. After tasting Albanian wines, all of them good and qualitative, we returned in Tirana. This is not the only road of wine, there are many other canteens in Central Albania, like Duka and Herta wine celars. They have tremendous good value, as well, and without a doubt they must be first explored and valued by us, Albanians.
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"Rruga e verës në Shqipërinë e Mesme"